Scrabble Blast Solver

Get Scrabble Blast Solver at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads


07 February 2009 by Ben

Welcome to the home of Scrabble Blast Solver, a free and open source application that finds solutions to the Scrabble Blast game.

Feel free to try out the latest version on the SourceForge downloads page and contact me with any comments, requests, concerns, or bug reports!


Version 0.5 Released

06 March 2009 by Ben

Version 0.5 has been released. Grab it from the SourceForge downloads page!


-Fixed a major efficiency bug in the word finding algorithm. Finding words is
now about 4x faster than before and less memory is used.

-The path of a word will now be displayed with a fade effect. The background
color of the path is dark blue at the beginning of the word and fades to a
lighter blue towards the end of the word.

-Letters on the board that are part of the currently highlighted path now appear
in yellow text instead of black to make them easier to read.

-Changed bomb appearance to black background with red text.

-Double clicking a word selection from the table will now use that word. The
previous methods of making a selection and clicking the Use button or making
a selection and pressing Alt-U still work as well.

-Some minor efficiency/speed improvements under the hood.

-Cleaned up and organized the source code a great deal.

-Focus will no longer loop back to the top of the board once the last letter has
been typed.

-Focus will now leave the board after pressing Go!.


Version 0.4 Released

11 February 2009 by Ben

Version 0.4 has been released. Grab it from the SourceForge downloads page!


-Added always on top option.

-Fixed a scoring bug involving words spanning multiple word multipliers.